Classic Physique 


The Mandatory Poses: 


Vacuum pose with hands behind the head 

Front double biceps 

Side chest 

Back double biceps 

Side triceps 

Abdominals and thighs 

Classic pose: athlete’s own choice 


Round 1 is assessed using the following criteria: 


The judges assess the overall male athletic appearance of the physique. 


This assessment begins at the head and extend downwards, taking the whole physique into account. 


The assessment, beginning with the general impression of the physique, should take into consideration the hair and facial handsomeness; the overall athletic development of the musculature; the presentation of a balanced, symmetrically developed physique; the condition of the skin and the skin tone; and the athlete’s ability to present with confidence. 


During the comparisons of the compulsory poses, the judges first look at the primary muscle group being displayed. 


The judges then survey the whole physique, starting from the head, and looking at every part of the physique in a downward sequence, beginning with general impressions, and looking for muscular bulk, balanced development, muscular density, and definition. 

The downward survey should take in the head, neck, shoulders, chest, all the arm muscles, front of the trunk for pectorals, 

pec-delt tie-in, abdominals, waist, thighs, and quads. 


The same procedure for back poses will also take in the upper and lower back, the gluteus group, the leg biceps group, and calves. 


A detailed assessment of the various muscle groups is made during the comparisons, where the judges compare muscle shape, density, and definition whilst still bearing in mind the competitor’s overall balanced development. 


The comparisons of the compulsory poses cannot be over-emphasised as these comparisons help the judge to decide, which competitor has the superior physique from the standpoint of athletic balanced development, muscular density and definition. 


The physique is assessed as to the level of overall muscle tone, achieved through athletic endeavours. The muscle groups should have a round and firm appearance with a small amount of body fat. 


The assessment also takes into consideration the tightness and tone of the skin. The skin tone should be smooth and healthy in appearance. 


The judge’s assessment of the athlete’s physique includes the athlete’s entire presentation, from the moment he walks onstage until the moment he walks offstage. At all times the male classic physique competitor is viewed with the emphasis on a “healthy, fit, athletic-looking muscular physique, in an attractively presented total package”. 





The judges assess the routine with a view towards display of muscularity, definition, style, personality, athletic coordination, and overall performance. 


Judges look for a smooth, artistic, and well-choreographed routine which may include any number of poses; however, the compulsory poses must be included. 


The competitor must also include intermittent poses to display the muscular development of his physique. 



The posing shorts should be black.  No g strings or posing pouches allowed. 




Under and incl. 168cm max weight in Kg = (height (cm) -100 plus (8)kg

Over 168cm up to & incl. 171cm max weight in Kg = (height (cm) -100 plus (10)kg

Over 171cm up to & incl. 175cm max weight in Kg = (height (cm) -100 plus (12)kg

Over 175cm up to & incl. 180cm max weight in Kg = (height (cm) -100 plus (15)kg

Over 180cm up to & incl. 188cm max weight in Kg = (height (cm) -100 plus (18)kg

Over 188cm up to &incl. 198cm max weight in Kg = (height (cm) -100 plus (21)kg

Over 198cm max weight in Kg = (height (cm) -100 plus (24)kg